" The Two Dogs A Man had two dogs. One was a Hound, trained to assist him in his sports, and the other was a House Dog, taught to watch the house. When he came home after a good day's hunting, he always gave the House Dog a large share of his catch. The Hound felt very hurt at this. He scolded his companion, saying, "My work is very hard, but it is harder to watch you. You do not help me with the chase, but you share in my reward. It is not fair." The House Dog replied, "Do not blame me, my friend. If you are angry, find fault with the master. He is the one who has taught me not to work but to depend on the work of others for my food. After all, you don't blame a child for the faults of its parents." The Kingdom of the Lion The Lion was the king of all the animals in the field and the forest. He was not violent or cruel, but he was as just and gentle as a king should be. During his reign, he called for a gathering of all the animals to draw up conditions for an alliance. In this alliance, the Wolf and the Lamb, the Tiger and the Deer, the Dog and the Hare, would live together in perfect peace. The Hare said, "Oh, how I have longed to see this day. Now the weak shall take their place by the side of the strong without fear." Everyone agreed, but after the Hare said this, he ran for his life. After all, you cannot believe everything you hear. The Wolf and the Crane A Wolf had a bone stuck in his throat. He hired a Crane, for a large sum, to put her head into his mouth and draw out the bone.